Plot: An Irish boy named Keegan and a Spanish girl named Moya journey into the mythical world of the Megaloceros Giganteus who teach them to appreciate Riverdance as a celebration of life. Inspired by the global stage sensation and with new music by Grammy winner Bill Whelan, this is an animated….. Read More
Plot: John Constantine is approached by Det. Angela Dodson needs his help to prove that her twin sister Isabel's death was not a suicide. The dead woman was a devout Catholic and Angela refuses to accept that she would have taken her own life. She's asked Constantine for help because he has a reputation for dealing with the mystical. In fact, he is a demon hunter whose sole purpose on Earth is to send demons back to the nether regions. John himself has been to Hell - as a young man he too committed suicide and now knows that he is destined to return there on his death - but hopes that his good deeds may somehow find him a place in Heaven. As he looks into Isabel's death, he realizes that demons are trying to break through to the human world and his battles lead him into a direct conflict with Satan Read More
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